Your Complete Guide to Ball Exercises #1 number oneThe Ball Exercises application contains everything you need to know if you want to workout using ball exercises.You'll find information on:- Ball Exercises - Review more than 40 ball exercises- Workout Routines for ball exercises- Benefits of using ball exercises when working out- Equipment required to perform ball exercises- Techniques used to correctly perform ball exercises- Detailed Safety Precautions to take when doing ball exercises- Brief History of ball exercisesmore than 40 Ball ExercisesYou'll find more than 40 ball exercises on this application , organized by the main muscle group each targets. Also, the ball exercises available here are presented illustrations to show you the correct starting position as well as the movements involved.
To access the database of ball exercises, simply click on the menu items. you can navigate between item
Complete List of Ball ExercisesThis application provides activities to every ball exercise.
Ball exercises are grouped based on the main muscle group they mainly target.
Clicking on each exercise will bring you to an activity where you can review detailed by photo
Make your selection from the list of ball exercises below:
Ball Exercises for Abs (Abdomininals)Upper and Lower Abdominals, ObliquesBall CrunchBall Crunch - Legs ElevatedBall Reverse CrunchBall Side CrunchBall Sit-UpBall JacknifeBall Ab RolloutBall Table TopBall Bridge T Fall-Off
Ball Exercises for the ChestUpper, Lower, Inner, and Outer PectoralsBall Dumbbell PressBall Dumbbell Press - InclineBall Push UpBall Push Up - on KneesBall Push Up - Feet UpBall Chest FlyBall Chest Fly - One-at-a-TimeBall Bear Hugs
Ball Exercises for ShouldersInner, Outer, and Rear DeltoidsBall Rear Deltoid RowBall Rear Deltoid Raise - Elbows BentBall Rear Deltoid Raise - Lying SidewaysBall Scapular ProtractionBall Shoulder Rotation
Ball Exercises for the BackUpper and Lower Lats; Lower Back and TrapeziusBall HyperextensionBall Hyperextension - ReverseBall Row - Upside-DownBall BridgeBall Arm-Leg Extension - Alternating
Ball Exercises for LegsHamstrings, Quadriceps, Inner Thighs, Hips and CalvesBall Squat - on WallBall Squat - on Wall; WeightedBall Squat - on Wall; Sideways; One-LeggedBall Squat - One-LeggedBall Hip AbductionBall Hip AdductionBall Leg CurlBall Reverse Leg CurlBall Squeeze - SittingBall Squeeze - LyingBall Reverse BridgeBall Calf RaiseBall Calf Raise - One-LeggedBall Toe Raise
Ball Exercises for ArmsBiceps, Triceps, Inner and Outer ForearmsBall Biceps Curl - StandingBall Biceps Curl - on Knees, One-at-a-TimeBall Triceps ExtensionBall Triceps Extension - StandingBall Triceps Extension - WeightedBall Wrist Curl